Shiba Inu Breeding

Studs & Bitches

Find a Mate

PetMeetly helps you find a perfect breeding mate for your Shiba Inu

PetMeetly is all about making life easier for Shiba Inu owners and breeders looking for the perfect match to breed with their pups. It’s pretty cool – you create a profile for your Shiba Inu, and then you can search for other Shibas based on stuff like age, gender, and health status. Basically, it takes the hassle out of finding a great dog breeding partner for your furry friend.

Setting up your Shiba Inu on PetMeetly is a breeze. Just create their profile, talk up their health and personality, and add a few cool photos that show off what makes them special. Once that’s done, you can scroll through profiles of other Shibas. Spot a potential match? You can connect with the other owner right there and chat about breeding plans. It’s pretty straightforward and fun!

PetMeetly, is like a big pool party for Shiba Inu breeding! It gives you access to a whole bunch of potential breeding partners, which is great for mixing up the gene pool and boosting the health of future Shiba Inu puppies. Whether you’re looking to expand your breeding program or just want to up the health game of your own Shiba, this platform’s a real game-changer.

So, if you’re on the hunt for the perfect mate for your Shiba Inu, PetMeetly is your go-to spot. Doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned breeder or a first-timer wanting to pair up your furry pal, this site’s got you covered. It’s all about connecting with other Shiba Inu owners and finding that just-right match for your four-legged friend.

Tips for breeding a Shiba Inu

The right age for breeding a male Shiba Inu is 2 years upto 6-6.5 years and for female Shiba Inu is 18-24 months upto 6 years

This dog breeding checklist provides a comprehensive guide for responsible breeding practices and can help ensure the health and well-being of the parent dogs and their puppies.

Shiba Inu Breeding
  • Health and Genetics:

    Planning to breed Shiba Inus? You’ve gotta think about their health and genetics first. Before anything else, genetic testing is a must. It’s all about making sure both the dogs are in tip-top shape and free from any genetic hiccups. Remember, Shiba Inus can sometimes face stuff like hip dysplasia, allergies, and eye problems, so it’s good to be on top of these things.

  • Temperament:

    When it comes to breeding Shiba Inus, their temperament is a huge deal. They’re famous for being independent and loyal, but they’re not always the social butterflies at parties, you know? This means picking parent dogs with really good temperaments is crucial. It sets the stage for the puppies to grow up well-adjusted and sociable.

  • Size and Appearance:

    Shiba Inus? They’re these neat, kinda small to medium dogs, tipping the scales at about 17 to 23 pounds. If you’re thinking about breeding them, it’s a smart move to match parents that are kinda alike in size and appearance. Doing this helps make sure the little pups end up rocking those signature Shiba Inu traits.

  • Pedigree and Lineage:

    Pairing up Shiba Inus? It’s like doing a bit of family tree detective work. You’re not just looking at who the mom and dad are, but also checking out their health and personalities. Digging into the pedigrees and histories of both parents is key. You’ve got to be on the lookout for any hidden health problems or challenging temperaments lurking in their lineage. It’s all about making sure the puppies have the best start possible.

  • Nutrition and Exercise:

    For Shiba Inu puppies to grow up healthy and strong, it’s all about the right chow and lots of play. Make sure they’re getting a diet that’s full of great protein, vitamins, and minerals. And hey, playtime’s just as important! Keeping them active with regular play helps them develop just right. It’s the perfect mix of nutrition and fun for these little guys.

  • Socialization and Training:

    Starting Shiba Inu puppies on the right paw? It’s all about getting them socialized and trained early on. Introducing them to lots of different folks, other furry friends, and all sorts of new experiences is key. It sets them up to be confident, well-behaved dogs who can handle whatever comes their way. It’s all about giving them a head start in becoming awesome, well-rounded pups.

Pedigree Analysis

Shiba Inu is a dog breed with distinct characteristics that set it apart from other breeds. Here are the breed-defining characteristics of Shiba Inu:


Shiba Inu coats are thick, double-layered, and available in a variety of hues, including red, sesame, black and tan, and cream. Its coat is resistant to the elements and sheds severely twice a year, necessitating constant brushing to keep it healthy and lustrous.


Shiba Inus are small to medium-sized dog breeds that normally weigh between 17 and 23 pounds. They stand 13.5 to 16.5 inches tall at the shoulder, making them ideal for anyone looking for a small companion.


Shiba Inu are noted for their independence and loyalty, making them wonderfulcompanions. They are reticent among strangers but devoted to their families. Shiba Inus can be aloof and have a strong prey drive, therefore early socialization is critical to avoid behavioral difficulties.


Shiba Inu are clever dogs with a sharp mind and an independent personality. They learn quickly and can be trained using positive reinforcement methods that emphasize incentives rather than punishment.


Shibas are typically healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they are susceptible to specific health disorders like as hip dysplasia, allergies, and eye difficulties. Frequent veterinary check-ups, a nutritious diet, and regular exercise can all help prevent these problems.


Shiba Inus require frequent grooming to keep their coat healthy. They shed heavily twice a year and must be brushed often to avoid matting and tangling. They also require frequent nail trimming and tooth brushing to preserve their overall wellness.


Shiba Inus have a high energy level and must be exercised on a daily basis to keep happy and healthy. To burn off excess energy, they go for daily walks, runs, and fun.

Meet our Shiba Inus

Finding a reputable Breeder for Shiba Inu

Finding a trustworthy breeder for your Shiba Inu is critical to your health and well-being. Here are some pointers for finding a Shiba Inu breeder:


  • Attend dog shows:

    Want to get in touch with breeders who are really into Shiba Inus? Try hitting up dog shows. It’s a cool way to see their Shibas in action, chat with them about their breeding strategies, and get the scoop on their background and know-how. It’s like a fun meet-and-greet for Shiba Inu enthusiasts!


  • Join Online Shiba Inu Groups:

    Looking to connect with other Shiba Inu lovers and breeders? Jump into some online Shiba Inu groups! They’re great spots to learn all about the breed and pick up tips on finding reliable breeders. Plus, it’s a fun way to chat with people who are just as passionate about Shibas as you are.


  • Request Recommendations:

    Looking for a solid Shiba Inu breeder? Don’t hesitate to ask around – hit up other Shiba owners, trainers, and even your vet for recommendations. They might know breeders who’ve got a track record for producing healthy, well-mannered, and genetically sound Shibas. Personal experiences can really point you in the right direction.

  • Research Pedigrees:

    When you’re on the lookout for a breeding partner for your Shiba Inu, it’s super important to check out their family history. You want to be sure they’re genetically healthy and not carrying any hereditary health issues that could be passed down to the little ones. Doing this homework helps you find a breeder who really cares about the breed and is all about raising healthy pups with solid genetics.


  • Visit the Breeder’s Facility:

    Planning to get a Shiba Inu? It’s a smart idea to swing by the breeder’s place. Take a look around, see where the Shibas hang out, and check if they’re all happy and healthy. A good breeder will be cool with your visit and happy to show you their dogs chilling in their usual spot.


  • Ask for Health Certifications:

    When you’re checking out breeders, a big thumbs-up goes to those who get their breeding dogs health-checked for common issues. Look for ones who have health certs from places like the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) or the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF). It’s a sign they’re on top of their game.


  • Ensure Registration:

    Want to make sure you’re dealing with a top-notch breeder? Check if their Shiba Inus are registered with a big kennel club, like the American Kennel Club (AKC). This usually means they’re sticking to the breed standards and are serious about their Shibas.

  • Discuss Activity Levels:

    Shiba Inus needs a fair bit of exercise and brain games to stay in tip-top shape. So, when you’re talking to a breeder, it’s pretty important to chat about how active the parent dogs are and what kind of energy levels their puppies usually have. You want to make sure their vibe matches your lifestyle, right?


  • Consider Location:

    When you’re picking out a breeder, don’t forget to think about where they’re located. It can make a big difference in how easy it is for you to pop over and meet the puppies and their parents. Plus, keep in mind that rules about breeding and taking care of animals can change depending on where you are.


Find the best match for your Shiba Inu

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs ) about Shiba Inus

How Old Should A Shiba Inu Stud Be Before Breeding?
Thinking about breeding your male Shiba Inu? It’s best to wait until he’s at least 18 months old. Breeding them too young can lead to health problems, not just for dad, but for the puppies too. Plus, giving him time to grow up – both in body and mind – can really up the quality of the litter. And don’t skip a vet checkup before mating. You want to make sure he’s in great shape and has the right genetics for breeding.
How Many Times Can You Breed Shiba Inu Stud?
When you’ve got a Shiba Inu stud ready to breed, there’s a bunch to think about, like his age, health, and past breeding experience. It’s usually smart to not overdo it with how often he mates. This helps prevent health issues and reduces the chances of passing down any genetic problems to the pups. Most breeders cap it at about 10–12 litters for a male dog, but this can vary depending on his health and your breeding plans. It’s a good idea to chat with an experienced breeder and a vet to figure out the best approach for your Shiba Inu stud.
What Breeds Make A Shiba Inu?
The Shiba Inu, straight from Japan, is part of the Non-Sporting group at the American Kennel Club. It’s the tiniest of Japan’s six spitz breeds, with ancestors that were hunting dogs, like the little bear hunters, the Kai Dog, and the Shikoku Dog. You can spot a Shiba Inu a mile away with their curly tail, pointy ears, and fluffy coat. Oh, and a heads-up for breeders: mixing Shibas with other dog breeds isn’t really given the thumbs up by breed organizations. They like to keep those one-of-a-kind Shiba traits just as they are.
How Long Do Shiba Inu Live?
Shiba Inus have a pretty long runway, often living 12 to 16 years. That’s a good stretch for a dog! But, like with all living creatures, a bunch of things can influence their lifespan – stuff like genetics, what they eat, how much they move around, and overall health. Those Shibas that get top-notch care and live a healthy life might even stick around longer than 16 years. The best plan? Shower your Shiba Inu with lots of love, feed them a nutritious diet, keep up with regular vet visits, and make sure they get plenty of exercise. All this helps ensure they live a long and happy life.
How To Find Shiba Inu Breeders Near Me?
Looking for a Shiba Inu or a breeder nearby? Petmeetly’s got your back. Just hop on their platform, and you can search for breeders in your area. You get to check out their profiles and chat with them directly. Petmeetly’s pretty smart – it takes into account things like location, age, gender, and health to help you find the best breeding match close to you. So, finding a reliable and responsible Shiba Inu breeder in your neck of the woods? That’s a breeze with Petmeetly.

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