Maltese Adoption


PetMeetly helps you adopt a Maltese: Find Your Perfect Companion Today!

Petmeetly is an exceptional website that connects animal lovers and pet owners, providing a reliable service for those seeking to adopt or rehome Maltese. Our primary objective is to establish a community where individuals can find their perfect furry companion while offering a safe and caring haven for needy animals.

With Petmeetly, locating your new furry friend has never been easier. You can utilize our platform to browse available Malteses in your locality and connect with their owners. Our extensive search options make it simple to identify the Maltese that best fits your lifestyle and preferences.

Also, Petmeetly offers a perfect platform for finding your beloved Maltese a new, loving home if you decide to rehome them. Our platform is made to link you together with prospective adopters who are willing to give Maltese a loving and responsible home. You may relax knowing that your pet is in capable care and will have a loving home.

Every pet needs a loving home, and at Petmeetly we are dedicated to animal welfare. Join our community now to begin your hunt for the ideal canine friend or to support a Maltese in need.

Everything about Maltese

The Havanese is a small breed of dog that has its roots in Cuba and is known for its charming personality and adaptability. It has a silky coat that requires grooming. Here is some detailed information about the Havanese breed that you should know before adopting one.
Maltese for adoption on


Maltese dogs typically stand 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) tall at the shoulder.


Adult Maltese dogs typically weigh between 4-7 pounds (1.8-3.2 kg).


The Maltese breed has a relatively long lifespan, with an average of 12-15 years.


The Maltese has a single-layered coat that is straight and silky in texture.


The Maltese coat can be left long and flowing or trimmed short for easier maintenance.


While the Maltese does not shed much, their long hair requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.


Maltese dogs are energetic and playful, but they don’t require a lot of exercise. Short walks and indoor playtime are usually sufficient.


Maltese dogs are known for being vocal and may bark excessively if not properly trained.


Maltese dogs are highly intelligent and can learn new commands quickly. They are also known for their problem-solving abilities.

Adaptability and trainability

Maltese dogs are highly adaptable and can live in various types of homes. They are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them highly trainable.

Affectionate with family

Maltese dogs are highly affectionate and thrive on human companionship. They make excellent lap dogs and are known for being loyal and loving towards their owners.

Good with young children

Maltese dogs can be good with young children, but they may not be suitable for households with infants or toddlers due to their small size and delicate nature.

Good with other dogs and animals

Maltese dogs can get along well with other dogs and animals if properly socialized.

Behavior towards strangers

Maltese dogs can be cautious around strangers and may require proper socialization to feel comfortable around new people.

Meet our Malteses

Decided to adopt a Maltese?

Before bringing a Havanese into your home, it’s crucial to evaluate these factors carefully to ensure that you’re ready to provide a happy and healthy life for your new furry family member.


  • Research the Breed:

    It’s crucial to learn about the Maltese breed before adopting one to become familiar with its traits and any potential health problems. Maltese are well recognizedwell-recognized for their compassion and adaptability, but they can also be susceptible to respiratory and dental disorders.

  • Take Your Living Situation Into Account:

    Maltese are adaptable to a variety of living environments, but they do need daily exercise and mental stimulation. To make sure you can give your Maltese an appropriate environment, it’s vital to think about your living situation and way of life.

  • Grooming and Maintenance:

    Malteses have long, silky coats that require regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles. They also need regular dental care and grooming to prevent dental issues. It’s important to factor in the time and cost of grooming and maintenance when considering adopting a Maltese.

  • Consider the Cost:

    The cost of adopting a Maltese can vary depending on the age, location, and breeder’s reputation. In addition to the initial adoption cost, ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, and veterinary care should be factored into the financial commitment.

  • Consider Your Schedule:

    Malteses thrive on human interaction and can experience separation anxiety if left alone for long periods. It’s important to consider your work schedule and daily routine to ensure you can provide adequate attention and care for your Maltese.

  • Patience and Dedication:

    Adopting a Maltese requires patience and dedication to provide a happy and healthy life for your furry family member. It’s important to commit to ongoing training, socialization, and grooming to ensure your Maltese thrives in their new home.

We put together a checklist to prepare you for your new Maltese and to make your adoption process safe and stress-free.

We put together a checklist of essential factors to consider for a smooth and safe transfer of your Maltese to the new owner.

Find a Maltese For Adoption Near You


What is the average cost of adopting a Maltese?
The average cost of adopting a Maltese can vary depending on a number of variables, including the dog’s age, health, and pedigree as well as location and breeder reputation. A trustworthy breeder’s adoption cost for a Maltese can often run from $1,500 to $5,000 or more. Malteses adopted from shelters or rescue groups often have lower adoption fees, ranging from $200 to $500. However, additional charges like shots, spaying or neutering, and other medical costs could not be covered by adoption fees. Before making a choice, it’s crucial to conduct your homework and thoroughly weigh all the expenses related to adopting a Maltese.
Are Malteses good with children and other pets?

Yes, Malteses are generally good with children and other pets. They are known for being playful and affectionate, and can form strong bonds with their human family. However, due to their small size, Malteses should always be supervised around young children to prevent accidental injuries. Additionally, early socialization and training can help Malteses get along well with other pets in the household. It’s important to note that every dog has their own personality, and some Malteses may not do well with certain children or pets. It’s always best to monitor interactions and provide positive reinforcement to promote good behavior.

How much exercise does a Maltese need?

While Malteses are a small breed, they still require daily exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. A daily walk or playtime in a fenced yard is generally sufficient for meeting their exercise needs. Malteses are adaptable to different living situations and can do well in small apartments as long as they have opportunities to move around and play. However, it’s important not to over-exercise Malteses, as they can be prone to respiratory issues. Additionally, as with any dog, exercise should be adjusted based on age, health, and individual activity levels.

Are Malteses hypoallergenic?

Yes, Malteses are considered hypoallergenic dogs as they have hair instead of fur. This means they shed very little, which in turn reduces the amount of allergens that are released into the air. However, it’s important to note that no dog is completely hypoallergenic, and people with severe allergies may still have allergic reactions to Maltese dogs. It’s recommended to spend some time with a Maltese before adopting one to see if you have any allergic reactions. Additionally, regular grooming and cleaning can help reduce allergens and keep your Maltese healthy and comfortable.

Should I adopt a Maltese puppy or an adult dog?

It’s crucial to assess the benefits and drawbacks of both pups and adult dogs when thinking about adopting a Maltese. Puppies often take more training and are more energetic, but they also provide you the chance to develop closer ties with your family. However, adult dogs can be more challenging to incorporate into a new family because they are frequently fully trained and may have calmer temperaments. Adopting a Maltese puppy or adult dog should ultimately depend on your lifestyle, personal preferences, and capacity to care for your new furry family member.

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