English Bulldog Adoption


PetMeetly helps you adopt an English Bulldog : Find Your Perfect Companion Today!

Petmeetly is the ultimate website for connecting pet owners and animal enthusiasts. We take pride in offering a reliable service to individuals who are interested in adopting or rehoming English Bulldogs. We aim to create a community where people can meet their perfect furry companion while also providing a loving home for animals in need.

Finding your new furry friend has never been easier with Petmeetly. You can use our platform to search for available English Bulldogs in your area and connect with their owners. Our advanced search options make it easy to find the ideal bulldog that fits your lifestyle and requirements.

Petmeetly is a fantastic platform where your cherished English Bulldog can find a new, permanent home if you need to rehome them. Our portal is made to link you up with people looking to adopt English Bulldogs for their families. You can be sure that your pet will go to a new loving and caring home.

Every pet needs a loving home, and at Petmeetly we are dedicated to animal welfare. Join our community now to start looking for the ideal canine friend or to help a needy English Bulldog.

Everything about English Bulldog

English Bulldog is a popular dog breed known for their distinctive wrinkles, short legs, and muscular build. Here is some detailed breed information on English Bulldogs:
English Bulldog for adoption


English Bulldogs stand at a height of approximately 14-15 inches for males and 13-14 inches for females.


The weight of a male English Bulldog is typically between 50-55 pounds, while female Bulldogs weigh between 40-50 pounds.


The average lifespan of an English Bulldog is 8-10 years.


English Bulldogs have a short, smooth, and glossy coat that lies close to their body.


Their coats are short, making them relatively low-maintenance in terms of grooming.


English Bulldogs are moderate shedders. Regular brushing, ideally once or twice a week, helps keep shedding under control and maintains coat health. Occasional baths are recommended to keep their skin clean and healthy, as they are prone to skin issues.


These dogs have a low to moderate energy level and do not require excessive exercise. A daily walk or playtime in a fenced yard is sufficient for their physical needs.


English Bulldogs are not known for excessive barking. They may bark occasionally if they sense a threat or are trying to communicate with their owner.


Bulldogs are intelligent dogs, but their laid-back and sometimes stubborn nature may not make them seem as quick-witted as other breeds.

Adaptability and trainability

English Bulldogs are adaptable and can adjust to various living situations, including apartments or homes with small yards. They respond well to consistent, positive reinforcement training, but can be stubborn at times.

Affectionate with family

English Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and loving nature towards their family. They form strong bonds and thrive on human companionship.

Good with young children

Generally, Bulldogs are good with young children and can be gentle, patient, and tolerant playmates. However, adult supervision is always recommended during interactions.

Good with other dogs and animals

With early socialization, English Bulldogs can get along well with other dogs and animals. Still, their strong-willed nature may lead to occasional dominance issues if not properly managed.

Behavior towards strangers

English Bulldogs can be wary of strangers initially, but with proper socialization, they usually warm up and become friendly. Their protective instincts make them excellent watchdogs.

Meet our English Bulldogs

Decided to adopt an English Bulldog?

To ensure that your new furry family member enjoys a happy and healthy life, it’s essential to carefully consider these factors before welcoming English Bulldogs into your home.


  • Considerations regarding climate:

    English Bulldogs are susceptible to adverse effects from hot and cold temperatures, so it is crucial to maintain a comfortable climate within your home and to prevent extended exposure of your dog to extreme weather when outside.

  • Dietary constraints:

    English Bulldogs are at risk of gaining excessive weight, which can worsen their health conditions. Hence, it is essential to closely monitor their diet and avoid providing them with high-calorie treats or table scraps. It is advisable to seek guidance from a veterinarian for a healthy diet plan.

  • Socialization with other dogs:

    English Bulldogs can be prone to aggression towards other dogs, particularly if they are not socialized properly. Therefore, it is important to expose your Bulldog to other dogs from a young age and to monitor their interactions carefully.

  • Travel restrictions:

    English Bulldogs are not great travelers, and they can experience motion sickness and anxiety during car rides. Therefore, it is important to acclimate your Bulldog to car rides slowly and to take frequent breaks during long trips.

  • Noise sensitivity:

    English Bulldogs can be sensitive to loud noises, including thunderstorms, fireworks, and vacuum cleaners. Therefore, it is important to create a safe and quiet space for your Bulldog during loud events and to consider investing in noise-canceling headphones or white noise machines to help calm them.

We put together a checklist to prepare you for your new English Bulldog and to make your adoption process safe and stress-free.

We put together a checklist of essential factors to consider for a smooth and safe transfer of your English Bulldog to the new owner.

Find an English Bulldog For Adoption Near You


What is the average cost of adopting an English Bulldog?

The cost of adopting an English Bulldog is not fixed and varies depending on the dog’s location, age, health, and breeder or rescue organization. Typically, the cost ranges from $1,500 to $4,000, but owning a dog also involves additional expenses like food, grooming, and veterinary care. Thus, before adopting a pet, it is crucial to conduct extensive research and take into account all the expenses associated with owning a dog to ensure that one is financially ready to commit to pet ownership.

Are English Bulldogs good with children and other pets?
Because of their kind and amiable disposition, English Bulldogs are wonderful friends for kids. To prevent any potential mishaps, it’s crucial to watch over interactions between young children and dogs. Bulldogs may get along with other animals, although this depends on each one’s personality and socialisation. A happy relationship between dogs and other pets is more likely with proper introduction and socialisation. Like with any breed, early socialisation and training are crucial for creating a well-mannered, content Bulldog that gets along with kids and other animals.
How much exercise does an English Bulldog need?

English Bulldogs are known for their low energy level and love for lounging, which means they don’t require a lot of exercises. They typically need around 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, such as short walks or gentle playtime. However, it’s important not to over-exercise Bulldogs, as they can quickly become overheated due to their short snouts and breathing difficulties. Overweight Bulldogs may also require more exercise and a healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian to develop an exercise and diet plan that suits the individual needs of your Bulldog.

Are English Bulldogs hypoallergenic?
No, English Bulldogs are not considered hypoallergenic. They have short, fine hair that sheds moderately year-round, which can aggravate allergies in some people. In addition to shedding, Bulldogs can also produce dander, which is a common allergen. However, some people with allergies may be less sensitive to Bulldogs than other breeds due to their minimal grooming needs and lack of a thick undercoat. It’s important to spend time with an English Bulldog before adopting one to ensure that you are not allergic to them. Regular grooming and cleaning can also help reduce allergens in the home.
Should I adopt an English Bulldog puppy or an adult dog?

Whether you choose to adopt a puppy or an adult English Bulldog depends on your lifestyle, personal preferences, and capacity to meet their demands. Puppies need a lot more care and training, which can take a lot of patience and effort. Adult dogs, on the other hand, are frequently more mellow and contented because they may have previously undergone basic training. In addition, adopting an adult Bulldog can give a homeless dog a loving home. Whether considering whether to adopt a puppy or an older dog, it’s crucial to take into account aspects like activity level, grooming requirements, and any potential health concerns. The choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and the capacity to offer a good home for both puppies and adult dogs.

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