Stud Cats and Female Cats for Breeding
Bombay Female Cat for Breeding in California
8 months old, Female
California, US
Medium | 2 kgs
About Panther
The Panther is incredibly affectionate and friendly. She meows very rarely and modestly. She loves to play and loves her parents. And we love her. We are very lucky with her character. She eats only natural food, so she is a healthy, happy girl.
From the owner of Panther
Has the pet been bred before?
Pet's personality, energy level, and behavior with people and other animals.
very affectionate and friendly character. plays not much and not little. we observe her balance between play and rest. no hyperactivity. loves people and loves to come to hands. basically, at first she is afraid of new animals, but does not become aggressive. can hide then gets used to it. always friendly to people
Has the pet been tested for any breed-specific health conditions or genetic disorders?
Panther IS
Good with Kids
Potty Trained
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