Dogs for Adoption
Chiweenie Male Dog for Adoption in North Carolina
4 years old, Male
North Carolina, US
Small | 15 lbs
About Pancho
Pancho is a very smart and lovable dog. He listens very well and responds to his name. He loves to cuddle and lay around. He loves to be taken outside to play and sunbathe but mostly relaxes on the couch and watch TV. Unfortunately, we cannot take him with us and it hurts us to have to rehome him. We’re not asking for payment but occasional pictures to let us know how he’s doing.
From the owner of Pancho
Is the pet spayed/neutered?
Willing to have the pet spayed/neutered before sale?
Does the pet have any known health issues?
Pet's current living environment
Indoor house
Type of food and how much exercise does it get daily?
Dog food from Costco
Included with Sale/Adoption
Willing to meet the buyer/adopter halfway
Why rehoming the pet
My wife and I are selling our house and moving into an apartment. As well I have got a new job that takes up my entire day. Frankly no one has time for Pancho.
Pancho IS
Good with Kids
Good with Other Dogs
Potty Trained
House Trained