Rabbits for Adoption
Lionhead Male Rabbit for Adoption in Indiana
2 years old, Male
Indiana, US
Small | 3 lbs
Adoption Fee: 75 $ USD
About Mike
Mike is extremely loving with a unique personality. He lives for head scratches, and will sit next to you for hours if you keep scratching/brushing his forehead and ears. knows his name and comes upon calling (sometimes takes a few times), and is potty trained. He is free roaming in our house, uses a cage soley just to pee and poop in it and NO where else, using his litter box to sleep in. He is incredibly sweet, loves to be around everyone in the family room, and sleep out in the open as well. If you call his name and stick ur hand out or tap the ground, he will come running to get pet. He is very low maintenance and doesn’t need to be monitored all day and is left free roaming at all times - he sticks to staying in the family room with carpet and doesn’t feel comfortable walking on hard floor surfaces. He is smart and knows “no” and learned that he can’t be on the couch and that he can’t chew the carpet, so as long as you establish rules at first he will follow them. Mike is beloved by my family, but my older sister just got her pomeranian dog kicked out of her apartment complex by her landlord, and we have to keep the dog at my house. The dog is too aggressive and energetic and causes Mike to hide under the couch everyday and night no matter how many times we get him out. He deserves a loving home, I can’t stand giving him up but know it’s for his best.
From the owner of Mike
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Mike IS
Good with Kids
Good with Cats
Potty Trained
House Trained
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