Dog Breeder

Questions to Ask a Local Dog Breeder Before You Buy

Deciding to get a puppy is a pretty huge deal, right? It’s not something you just jump into. So, when you’re on the hunt for your perfect furry friend, the key is finding a breeder who really knows their stuff and cares about their dogs. That’s where you come in, armed with a bunch of questions to ask. Why? Because the answers you get will tell you a lot about the dog breeder, and of course, about your future puppy. Plus, this info will be super handy when it comes time to raise your little pup. It’s all about making sure you end up with a healthy, happy pet, and that starts with a great breeder.

Important Questions to Ask a Breeder

Can I meet the dog’s parents?

When you meet the puppy’s parents, it’s like getting a sneak peek into your future with your new dog. Think about it – seeing how big they are, what they look like, and what kind of personality they have can give you some clues about what your puppy might be like when they grow up. It’s pretty cool, right? It’s all about noticing these little details when you meet the parents. It’s like putting together pieces of a puzzle to guess what your puppy will turn out to be.

Ask your breeder if they do health testing?

When it comes to breeders, there’s this important thing they should do – getting a full medical check-up for the mom and dad dogs before they even think about having puppies. It’s like making sure they’re in tip-top shape for parenting, you know? Plus, a good breeder should be super clued up about any health stuff that’s common for the breed. That way, you get the heads-up on what to watch out for with your new furry buddy. It’s all about being ready to keep your puppy healthy and happy for their whole life.

Can I meet the whole litter?

Meeting the whole gang of puppies is like the best part! You get to watch them playing and hanging out together, just doing their puppy thing. It’s a great way to see their personalities shine in their own comfy space. Plus, it’s a sneak peek into how they’re being raised and what their home is like. Now, if the breeder’s not just around the corner, no sweat! Ask them to send you a bunch of videos. Just one video or photo won’t cut it – you want the full movie experience to really get the gist of their daily puppy life.

What is the weight of the parents?

It’s like a rough guide to guess how big your puppy might get. It’s like looking at a family photo and guessing who you’ll take after in height, right? But remember, it’s not set in stone. Your puppy could end up a bit smaller or even larger, sort of like how some kids are taller than their parents. It’s all in the genes.

How old are the puppies? What age can I take my puppy home?

When it comes to adopting puppies, timing is pretty key. The sweet spot for taking a new pup home is when they’re between 8 and 12 weeks old. This is because those first weeks hanging out with their brothers, sisters, and even other dogs are super important. It’s like puppy school – they learn how to be a dog! Snagging them too early? Not a great idea.
Now, if there’s a puppy over 12 weeks still waiting for a home or one that’s been brought back, it might raise a few eyebrows. It doesn’t always mean trouble, but it’s something to chat about with the breeder. Just like when you’re picking a team in gym class, you wanna know why someone’s the last picked.

What kind of work have you done to socialize the puppies?

When we’re kids, hanging out with different people and trying new things helps us grow up to be confident and cool? It’s the same for puppies! Socialization is super important, especially in their early months. It’s all about getting them comfy with new places, faces, and experiences. The more they explore and meet when they’re little, the more chill and well-adjusted they’ll be as big dogs. It’s like giving them a head start in being awesome grown-up pups!

How many veterinarian visits have the puppies had? Have any puppies in the litter been sick?

Vet visits for the puppies. It’s like taking a baby for a check-up – you wanna make sure they’re all healthy and happy, right? So, ask the breeder if the pups have seen a vet, got a clean bill of health, or if they’ve had any health hiccups. Like, if any of them were sick, what was up with them? What did the vet say, and how did they fix it? Meds, treatments, the whole shebang.
And parvovirus is a big deal for puppies, so don’t shy away from asking about that too.
It’s super important to ask for their medical records – think of it as their puppy health diary. It should have all the deets like vet visits, how much they weigh, deworming, and their shots. It’s like doing your homework before you bring your new furry friend home.

What are you currently feeding the puppies?

It’s good to know what the breeder’s been feeding the little guys. Even if you’re thinking of switching up their menu at home, it’s like getting the recipe right from the start. You don’t want to switch their food too fast – think of it like easing into a hot bath instead of just jumping in. Mix a bit of the new food with their old one, gradually changing the mix. This way, their tiny tummies get used to the new grub without any, you know, messy surprises around your house. It’s all about keeping mealtime happy and accident-free.

How can we contact you after picking up the puppy?

Think of the breeder like your go-to guru for all things puppy. They should totally be cool with giving you their contact info and actually encourage you to hit them up with any questions or worries you have down the line. It’s like having a dog expert in your contacts list! They’re not just there for the sale; a good breeder is like a mentor for you and your dog’s journey together. They’ve got the know-how and experience, so staying in touch can be super helpful as your pup grows up. It’s like having a friend who’s always ready to help out with doggy advice.

What do you provide with the sale of the puppy?

When the big day comes and you’re ready to bring your puppy home, there’s a bunch of stuff the breeder should hook you up with. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect:
  • Medical Records

    Medical records are like your puppy’s health diary, listing all their shots, worm treatments, and any sicknesses they’ve had. It’s a way to make sure your furry friend is healthy and ready for their new adventures with you.

  • Certifications

    Certifications are like a gold star for your puppy, showing they’re top quality. It’s the breeder’s promise of excellence and honesty, similar to a guarantee you get with premium products. It’s their way of ensuring you’re taking home a puppy that’s healthy, purebred, and well-cared for.

  • Breed Club Info

    Breed Club Info is like joining a fan club for your puppy’s breed. You get all the cool facts, care tips, and maybe even meet-ups with other puppies like yours. It’s your insider guide to making the most of your pup’s unique traits and personality.

  • Pedigree Stuff

    Pedigree Stuff is all about your puppy’s family background. Think of it as a family tree for your pup, showing you where they come from and the cool history of their ancestors. It’s a fun way to see who your puppy’s relatives are and their story.

  • Receipt

    The receipt is like your purchase proof for your puppy, similar to keeping a receipt for something valuable you buy. It’s a simple paper but really important to show your deal with the breeder was clear and fair.

  • Contract

    The contract is like a rulebook for buying your puppy. It lists all the promises between you and the breeder, making sure everyone knows what’s expected. It’s like a lease agreement, keeping you, the puppy, and the breeder safe and happy.

  • Puppy Food

    The breeder gives you some of the same food your puppy’s been eating. It’s like getting a favorite recipe from a restaurant to make at home. This way, your puppy’s tummy stays happy as they get used to their new place.

  • Contact Details

    The breeder’s contact details are like a helpline for your puppy questions. It’s your go-to for advice or to share how your new furry buddy is doing. Think of it as having a direct line to a puppy expert whenever you need it.

  • Guarantee Info

    Guarantee Info is like a safety net for your puppy’s health. It shows the breeder believes in their puppies’ health and quality. Think of it as a warranty that helps you feel secure, covering you if any health problems pop up from their breeding.

  • Care Instructions

    Care Instructions are your go-to guide for looking after your new puppy. They’re like a personalized handbook with everything from when to feed to how to groom. It’s all about making things easier for you and your furry friend as you start your journey together.

  • Medications

    If your puppy needs medicine, you’ll get that too. It’s like getting a prescription from the doctor with instructions. This makes sure your puppy stays healthy and gets the right care right away.

  • Comfort Item

    A comfort item for your puppy, like a towel or toy that smells like their mom and siblings, helps them feel safe in their new home. It’s like carrying a little piece of their first home with them, making everything less scary and more comforting.

When you’re getting ready to welcome a new furry family member, asking a bunch of questions really helps you feel more at ease. It’s all about making sure everything’s been done right from the start. You want to know that the breeding was responsible, the healthcare was top-notch, and that the puppy had plenty of social time. This stuff makes a huge difference! It’s not just about having a healthy pup; it’s about how happy and well-adjusted they’ll be with you and your family. Think of it as doing your homework before the big test – it always pays off.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you ask for a dog price?
Could you let me know the price range for your puppies? I want to make sure I’m ready for this commitment.
How do you inquire about a dog?
To inquire about a dog, you could ask, “What breed is your dog, and can you tell me a bit about their personality and behavior?” This opens up a friendly conversation about their pet.
What criteria should I use to select a puppy with a favorable temperament?
Is the puppy comfortable with people or does he get nervous? See if he likes a belly rub and rolls over easily. Puppies who do are often relaxed, while those who don’t might be more independent.
Which tend to be more protective, male or female dogs?
Actually, whether a dog is male or female doesn’t make much difference in how protective they are. It’s more about if they’re neutered and what breed they are.
What should you avoid when selecting a puppy?
When you’re picking out a puppy, go for one that’s lively, alert, and friendly. It’s best to steer clear of a puppy that seems scared or too shy because they might have behavioral issues as they grow up.

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